AKC Consultancy

AKC Consultancy
Type of Resource

"Think differently and gain the benefits"
Coaching literally means ‘to transport a person from one place to another’ (think about the old style stage coach).

Coaching is a type of learning where the coach supports you to make decisions and take actions which are of benefit to you.

We are all unique and the only person who can know best about how you will succeed is yourself!

As a coach, I will support you to discover what will be the most beneficial actions to take.

My role is to structure the conversation to aid:

ü Identification of your goal or preferred future

ü  Consideration of your options

ü        Choice of the most suitable course of action

ü       Motivation

ü       Provide support

ü    Provide a measure of accountability

ü    Recognition of your strengths and celebrate achievements along the journey.

Coaching can be delivered in a variety of ways which best suit you:

i) by Skype
ii) by face to face meetings
iii) by phone call
iv) by email

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