How can I help you?
With a career spanning nearly 40 years in education, both mainstream and special schools and currently in post, I can say ‘I’ve been there and I am still there!’
I understand the culture of schools and the dynamics within a department. The constant pressure to keep up with new initiatives and the resulting workload. Needing to feel valued and supported and feeling confident to express your opinions. Don’t wait until you are completely burnt out before seeking help, so that you can put a stress management strategy in place.
I can help you to gain clarity. First of all, to define and understand the causes of stress and how to recognise stress in yourself and others.
Together, we will identify your own particular stressors—from the outside and the inside, then work together to create your own blueprint for recovery.
This may include:
Relaxation and wellbeing techniques
Writing for emotional release
Creating a better work/life balance
Confidence coaching
Time management
Goal setting and other skills
Most importantly, I would like to help you to learn the tools of Resilience (the power to bounce back), so that you can thrive in any situation, to experience fulfilment and satisfaction at work and in your personal life.
I offer one to one stress management coaching for teachers as well as workshops for larger groups and organisations.