Based in Norwich, we provide innovative training and coaching packages for Primary Educators. We offer a range of bespoke services to schools and independent teachers and trainees. The model is designed to fit your need - from one-to-one coaching to large group training. Our flexible venue packages enable our clients to choose the venue which makes them feel most comfortable; school, a neutral training venue, your own home, or even a cafe or pub! Our aim is to provide a professional practical experience focused on support and impact.
What impact will I have on your school?
Outstanding teaching and learning
Staff well-being
Confident and motivated staff
Supported and skilled NQTs
Organised and efficient classrooms
High retention rates
"Think differently and gain the benefits"
Coaching literally means ‘to transport a person from one place to another’ (think about the old style stage coach).
Coaching is a type of learning where the coach supports you to make decisions and take actions which are of benefit to you.
We are all unique and the only person who can know best about how you will succeed is yourself!
As a coach, I will support you to discover what will be the most beneficial actions to take.
My role is to structure the conversation to aid:
ü Identification of your goal or preferred future
ü Consideration of your options
ü Choice of the most suitable course of action
ü Motivation
ü Provide support
ü Provide a measure of accountability
ü Recognition of your strengths and celebrate achievements along the journey.
Coaching can be delivered in a variety of ways which best suit you:
i) by Skype
ii) by face to face meetings
iii) by phone call
iv) by email
How can I help you?
With a career spanning nearly 40 years in education, both mainstream and special schools and currently in post, I can say ‘I’ve been there and I am still there!’
I understand the culture of schools and the dynamics within a department. The constant pressure to keep up with new initiatives and the resulting workload. Needing to feel valued and supported and feeling confident to express your opinions. Don’t wait until you are completely burnt out before seeking help, so that you can put a stress management strategy in place.
I can help you to gain clarity. First of all, to define and understand the causes of stress and how to recognise stress in yourself and others.
Together, we will identify your own particular stressors—from the outside and the inside, then work together to create your own blueprint for recovery.
This may include:
Relaxation and wellbeing techniques
Writing for emotional release
Creating a better work/life balance
Confidence coaching
Time management
Goal setting and other skills
Most importantly, I would like to help you to learn the tools of Resilience (the power to bounce back), so that you can thrive in any situation, to experience fulfilment and satisfaction at work and in your personal life.
I offer one to one stress management coaching for teachers as well as workshops for larger groups and organisations.
Wellbeing Coaching
Do you want to retain your best teachers?
Do you want to optimise your teachers' investment in the school?
Do you want your teachers to go that extra mile?
Do you want your teachers to get the best results from their pupils?
If the answer is 'YES, YES, YES and YES', then you need to offer them Wellbeing Coaching…
Resilience coaching
Hannah Massarella, founder of Bird, is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, having trained with the highly respected Coaches Training Institute. Hannah has worked in the non profit and public sectors for over ten years. Having burnt out whilst working in advocacy for female survivors of violence Hannah decided there must be a way other passionate, intelligent and creative individuals could continue to do similar work but in a sustainable way, that didn't impact their health.
Hannah, along with her fellow CPCC colleagues at Bird, now brings Co-Active coaching into non profits and public sector organisations, working with everyone from CEO to individual staff members. The key areas of focus are:
- Being with difficult emotions
- Recognising and 'taming' self sabotaging thoughts
- Establishing core values and purpose
- Acknowledging and celebrating core skills and strengths
Key outcomes include increased sense of empowerment, stronger leadership skills, feeling more 'in charge' of external challenges, greater ability to 'be with' challenging situations (aka increased resilience) and feeling more at peace on the inside.
A Coaching Revolution by coaching in schools expert Annie Boate is the ultimate guide for headteachers, school leaders, teachers, NQTs and support staff in any phase or context (including SEND schools) who genuinely want to become ‘even better'. The Coaching in Schools approach provides a fresh voice in education at a time when one in 83 teachers (3,750) are on long-term leave for stress and mental health issues in the UK (Lib Dem Research, January 2018). What’s more, Childline delivered 3,135 counselling sessions on exam stress in 2016/17 – a rise of 11% over the past two years. One in five of these sessions took place in May – the month when many pupils face upcoming exams telling counsellors they were struggling with subjects, excessive workloads and feeling unprepared.
Annie’s unique, tried and tested coaching system has no ‘sell-by’ date. It prevents school staff wasting time, energy and money on the wrong things. Jargon-free and easy-to-follow, Annie injects powerful, simple and practical coaching strategies that can be implemented instantly. Her 12-step model is fast and efficient – it takes around 15 minutes to put into practice!
A Coaching Revolution helps educators get the best out of their colleagues and students. Too often people over-complicate things or present a load of waffle, fluff or stuffy academic theory in so-called ‘coaching’ guides. If that’s the kind of thing you’re looking for then this book is definitely not for you! Annie’s coaching style is different and as such her book reflects her refreshingly down-to-earth and informal approach. Following coaching, staff and pupils report going from feeling ‘overwhelmed’ and ‘under pressure’ to feeling ‘confident’, ‘motivated’ and ‘empowered’, achieving things they previously deemed ‘impossible’.
Get your copy at:
If you consider one of the many products of your school to be exam results, the production capacity comes from the teachers. If you wish to raise your standards, it is essential to invest in your machinery. If you never service your car it's performance will become worse not better.
We believe that Every Child Matters, but what about their teachers? At Butterfly Effect Coaching, the teacher is just as important. Coaching works by encouraging individuals to achieve professional AND personal growth. It empowers and enables them to concentrate on recognising their goals and improving their skills. This directly benefits your school with improved results, and also improved motivation and morale of your staff.
Butterfly Effect Coaching can offer Workshops, or one-to-one coaching. Some of the coaching workshops available include:
Ensuring a work/life, and setting goals in each area
Time Management and goal pursuit
Individual Responsibility for Effectiveness
Tools for great communication
How to create a Win Win situation
Monitoring and Evaluating goals
Removing Self Limiting Beliefs
Increasing personal confidence, for all areas of life
How to love your job
Butterfly Effect Coaching is run by Vicky Kelly, certified Life Coach, hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner and is based in Leigh on Sea. A Master of the Complementary Medical Association, Vicky is insured and CRB checked. As well as being a qualified and experienced coach, Vicky also has years of experience working within a corporate environment, and within a school environment. Knowing the stresses of teaching life, her vision is to enable teachers to perform better, believe in the abilities of themselves and their students and to ensure a healthy work/life balance, so that the students benefit from effective happy teachers.
Invest in your staff, invest in the future of your school
"Happy, inspired adults leads to happy, inspired students?"
What makes great educational organisations? What makes great teachers and leaders? The best teachers are the best learners, the best schools are the ones that nurture the best learners ... at all ages.
Transforming Teaching to Learning
Creating the Coaching Culture
Innovation in whole school CPD
Appraisal with Impact
Developing Coaching teams
121 training to improve teaching and learning
Effective behaviour management
All of Claire’s work is based upon the principles of coaching where questioning and reflection leads to rapid and sustained improvement.
Many schools are looking for long term strategies to move teaching and learning forward. Coaching staff helps them develop the skills to improve their own practice. Caroline offers three types of coaching:
Middle Leader Coaching
Ensuring that middle leaders are able to accurately judge the quality of teaching and learning in their subject areas. Joint observations are undertaken with Caroline and staff are coached about how to give good feedback and help move their department forward. Time needed: One day.
Developing Staff Coaches
You will have some good and outstanding teachers that you wish to train as coaches so that they can support and coach other teachers either within their department or across the school. This is a positive way of helping them gain professional development experience and can have a massive impact on the quality of teaching and learning across the school. Caroline has experience of training coaches to do this: this normally entails twilight training and some coaching time in school. Minimum 1.5 days.
Coaching staff
Caroline can coach and provide accompanying training for staff to improve their performance: from Good to Outstanding, or Securing Good Lessons. Do you have a group of teachers who need assistance with a specific area, such as: providing challenge, questioning skills, lesson planning or behaviour management? A structured, supportive programme with training and coaching takes place over a half term for a maximum of 10 staff. Please contact Caroline directly for more information.
LifeFlowBalance Coaching and Consulting Ltd works with you to bring about personal, professional and organisational transformation through the art and science of evidence-based coaching.
We take a values-centered, strengths-based, systemic approach to individual, team, group and organisational change.
We helping professionals strengthen their sense of meaning and purpose, build resilience and achieve wellbeing in a complex, volatile, ambiguous and uncertain world.