
AKC Consultancy
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"Think differently and gain the benefits"
Coaching literally means ‘to transport a person from one place to another’ (think about the old style stage coach).

Coaching is a type of learning where the coach supports you to make decisions and take actions which are of benefit to you.

We are all unique and the only person who can know best about how you will succeed is yourself!

As a coach, I will support you to discover what will be the most beneficial actions to take.

My role is to structure the conversation to aid:

ü Identification of your goal or preferred future

ü  Consideration of your options

ü        Choice of the most suitable course of action

ü       Motivation

ü       Provide support

ü    Provide a measure of accountability

ü    Recognition of your strengths and celebrate achievements along the journey.

Coaching can be delivered in a variety of ways which best suit you:

i) by Skype
ii) by face to face meetings
iii) by phone call
iv) by email

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Caroline Bentley-Davies
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Many schools are looking for long term strategies to move teaching and learning forward. Coaching staff helps them develop the skills to improve their own practice. Caroline offers three types of coaching:

Middle Leader Coaching

Ensuring that middle leaders are able to accurately judge the quality of teaching and learning in their subject areas. Joint observations are undertaken with Caroline and staff are coached about how to give good feedback and help move their department forward. Time needed: One day.

Developing Staff Coaches

You will have some good and outstanding teachers that you wish to train as coaches so that they can support and coach other teachers either within their department or across the school. This is a positive way of helping them gain professional development experience and can have a massive impact on the quality of teaching and learning across the school. Caroline has experience of training coaches to do this: this normally entails twilight training and some coaching time in school. Minimum 1.5 days.

Coaching staff

Caroline can coach and provide accompanying training for staff to improve their performance: from Good to Outstanding, or Securing Good Lessons. Do you have a group of teachers who need assistance with a specific area, such as: providing challenge, questioning skills, lesson planning or behaviour management? A structured, supportive programme with training and coaching takes place over a half term for a maximum of 10 staff. Please contact Caroline directly for more information.

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Graydin partner with schools to train senior leaders, teachers and others in the community to coach. Graydin firmly believe that every teacher can coach. Our vision is the transformation of education and we specialise in embedding coaching cultures within education. 

"Graydin is a team of passionate and talented coaches who, five years ago, began a journey to create and share a unique coaching model and deliver services designed to meet the needs and challenges of 21st century educators. 
Through our collective dedication, heart and energy, we are now a global provider of  momentum-building and sustainable coaching services and programmes to schools., colleges and universities.
Graydin delivers in-house coaching training programmes to schools (Independent, State Maintained, Academy and Free Schools) in the UK and abroad.  Our services include coaching courses, one-to-one coaching and online support and resources. We have to date trained Senior Leadership Teams (Heads and Deputy Heads), middle management and teaching staff, as well as parents, students and university lecturers."

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Growth Coaching UK
Type of Resource

Growth Coaching UK is part of the Growth Coaching group of companies that focus exclusively on providing coaching and coaching training services to the education sector, worldwide.

Growth Coaching has been leading successful coaching and coaching training projects in schools across Australia for many years and now these programmes are available in the UK.

We seek to enhance the quality of conversations in school communities – leaders with teachers; teachers with teachers; leaders and teachers with parents; and everyone with students – so that principals lead well; teachers teach well, parents contribute well and students learn well!

We believe that better coaching conversations across school communities provide a vehicle to achieve this.

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Head to Inspire

Outstanding performance is not only the result of having great subject knowledge. Excellent subject knowledge isn't enough to perform at your best!
Head to Inspire provides coaching & personal development workshops to increase the well - being and the professional performance of all staff in schools- from teachers to headteachers, from business managers to teaching assistants.

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We are passionate people who care deeply about your development, your team's development and your organisation's development. We are concerned about medium to long term sustainable development and growth over time that has a significant impact on your wellbeing through improving effectiveness, resilience and your own performance.

We offer team coaching, individual coaching, leadership and coaching training, career progression training and coaching, and also public speaking.  Our coaches have extensive experience of working and coaching in schools, both primary and secondary phases, and have worked in senior leadership positions.

We specialise in working with leaders, bringing challenge and support, and using baseline assessments to measure the impact of our work.

Type of Resource

Whatever your role in education the pressure of balancing the deliverables with the needs of the students is enormous.  Teaching can be enormously rewarding, but it’s not without pressure and stress at both strategic and operational levels.

Transformational coaching can change that situation by reaching to the core thinking and creating a way to meet the challenges of the educational environment.  You’ll find our approach is tailored to your role to work on your vision, leadership, stress transformation and re-energising performance.
What does this mean for your school?

Clarity of vision and the route to enhanced progress and school improvement
Increased enthusiasm, ,energy and attainment in the classroom
More conscious levels of accountability and responsibility
A deeper understanding of each person’s role and what can be delivered
A school with a strong ethos, clarity, focus and improved performance at every level.

The coaching programme involves working with individuals on a confidential one-to-one basis.  This means that each person gets precisely what they need the most to allow them to break through their personal barriers.  It’s an innovative, experiential and personalised process.

As individuals excel, teamwork also improves and the school benefits in its overall results.

Let’s talk about your aspirations and explore the means of achieving them – please call Hugh on 07940 553877 to start the conversation.

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Inspiring Heads
Type of Resource

We know that successful schools consciously and intentionally create their culture, and that a healthy school culture is one where children, adults and teams thrive. A place of collaboration; where it’s safe for all to speak up, be honest, make mistakes and contribute new ideas and insights.
Inspiring Heads will work with the leaders in your school and also coach staff relationships systems. Teams will learn to collaborate effectively, create positive working relationships, approach conflicts constructively and gain the tools to work through issues or changes. This is done through experiential learning that is engaging, relevant and packed with insight.

So whether it’s coaching a relationship between two people, a team, or the whole staff, Inspiring Heads will empower, build trust and create safe space for real growth and alignment.

We design our work in partnership with you based on your school’s needs. We listen carefully to the issues and aspirations, and together we create.

Typically we work in schools to:

effectively engage and lead through change;
build united vision;
resolve conflict; and
improve positivity and trust.

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Lotus Education
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As a headteacher, Sue recognised the power of coaching in helping both individuals and teams become more effective, improve performance and raise standards throughout schools and organisations.

Sue is now a professional coach, having studied at Henley Business School for The Professional Certificate in Coaching and gaining the qualification with 'Distinction'. She uses her background in educational leadership combined with professional coaching skills to coach headteachers, leadership teams and teaching staff.

The corporate world recognises that high quality coaching increases productivity, performance and the quality of life of individuals and organisations. The leadership teams in businesses have coaches as a matter of course. Knowing from first-hand experience how complex and challenging the role of a headteacher is, Sue’s mission is to make high quality coaching an entitlement for every headteacher! Leadership teams and teachers should also be given the opportunity to be coached to maximise their potential. 

Benefits of PROFESSIONAL COACHING include:

  Developing self awareness and identifying personal and professional attributes which enhance your leadership role

  Using tools and strategies to improve self-belief, confidence, emotional resilience and a greater sense of control

  Setting ambitious and realistic goals; being clear about specific steps to achieving them

  Lessening stress and improving work-life balance (yes - seriously!)

  Developing the ability to accurately self-reflect and recognising how to be a more effective leader and team member as a result

  Maximising your potential by overcoming self limiting beliefs

...and there's so many other reasons to be coached!

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Pursuit Wellbeing

TRANSFORM your wellbeing 
The 5-step Wellbeing TRAINING COURSE for teachers and SCHOOL leaders
Practical, research-driven online training to help you understand and proactively manage your mental, emotional, and physical health.
This 5-step toolkit is based on scientific research and was created by Maria Brosnan, a wellbeing expert with over 30 years’ experience.

The training programme comprises 35 bite-sized lessons, delivered over a period of 30 days, all geared towards measurably improving your mental, emotional and physical health.

It’s developed specifically for teachers, supports better relationships with colleagues and helps you cope better with uncertainty and change.