mental health

BfB Labs

Digital therapeutics for better youth mental health
Clinically approved . Evidence-based . Highly engaging . Cost effective.

We offer two interventions (therapeutic games) for pupils:

Champions of the Shengha - a heart-rate driven biofeedback mobile game that helps young people self regulate and self manage their mental health through diaphragmatic breathing

Age: 9-18 years

Lumi Nova - a mobile game that facilitates graded exposures, the active ingredient of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), to help children experiencing difficulties with anxiety

Age: 7-12 years


Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools

The Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools, exists to strengthen the mental health of the next generation by supporting schools to make a positive change at all levels of the UK's education system, thereby improving outcomes and life chances. This initiative, being led by Carnegie School of Education, is focused on evidence-based solutions which address schools', pupils and parents/carers needs; the development of a professional community of school mental health experts; and leading innovation within the area.

We work with schools, organisations and professionals committed to ensuring that mental health difficulties do not limit success at school and beyond. We seek partnerships and collaborations to drive forward this agenda.

Our work focuses on these areas:

Professional development for everyone working in schools. A suite of programmes and learning ensuring relevance for all school colleagues.
Practitioners network. The development of a professional community for those (leading the agenda of mental health in schools), to deepen learning and (share best practice) harness a wealth of experience.
Providing support and guidance for schools. Resources which help schools develop and improve their mental health policies and practices.
Annual conference. A large scale event to profile innovative and proven work, deepen understanding and support the link between policy and practice.
School Mental Health Quality Mark. An accreditation for Schools to evidence and show effectiveness and impact of their whole school approach to Mental Health.
Research. To ensure that interventions are evidence-based and that we'll produce best practice publications.
Collaboration with strategic partners. To develop strategic partnerships with other like-minded organisations to work collaboratively to develop provision and support for schools.  

Business Tags
Education Support Partnership Helpline
Type of Resource

Our free and confidential helpline is available 24/7 to all education staff throughout the UK.

Business Phone Number
08000 562 561
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Education Talking Toolkit from the Health and Safety Executive

The Talking Toolkit is designed to be used as a framework to help line managers have simple, practical conversations with school employees. It should not be used as a sole response to
an existing problem with workrelated stress in your school. The toolkit has six templates for six different conversations, each with a different theme designed to get you talking about issues which may be causing work-related stress or issues which could have the potential to become future causes if not managed properly.

Elemental Health Ltd

Mental Health First Aid | Bespoke Training | Online Counselling | PHSE Sessions | Staff Wellbeing

Website Address
Healthy Toolkit

Join us in our journey to promote healthy living, healthy eating, wellbeing and less stress. Take our message into your classrooms and staffrooms!

Learnful – Jo Bradley

What would change if your whole school prioritised and practised mental and emotional wellbeing everyday?…

 …If you chose to embed moments of settling, reflection and kindness into your curriculum?

…If instead of worrying about supporting the mental and emotional health of your children and staff,
you felt confident because you were doing it.

…If your children and staff were well-equipped to notice and nurture their own well-being needs and were
empowered to take responsible action to help themselves?

…If you’re anxious, stressed and unhappy children (and families) had strategies that worked for them?

…If your staff felt less pressure, more confidence and a deeper connection with pupils on how to
communicate and manage mental and emotional health issues?

…If more children recognised their own barriers to learning and chose to overcome them?

…If you influenced positive well-being for life

…If you ALL had a fully equipped toolbox of tools and strategies to use
that help you when you’re stressed, tired, anxious or frustrated? (Yes, teachers too!)

Mental Health Awards – Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools

School Mental Health Award  |  Boarding School Mental Health Award | Further Education Mental Health Award | Approved Provider List

Improve self-confidence, resilience and emotional intelligence for pupils and staff in your school
The Department for Education recognises the direct link between positive mental health in schools and successful educational outcomes; the Mental Health Award for Schools builds on this link and provides a framework for educational institutions to evidence policies and initiatives that work towards improving emotional health and wellbeing for both staff and pupils.

The award ensures schools are using evidence-based approaches that align to professional and government guidelines. Utilising a developmental framework, which allows schools to evaluate current mental health practices, identify gaps, develop and strengthen these and work towards building an emotionally healthier environment. Through this process, schools commit to making mental health a strategic priority and developing a positive culture that promotes mental well-being for everyone.

Professional Learning Programs – Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools

Available Courses

Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead Governor Status E-Module - Delivered in Collaboration with TheSchoolBus

Developing a Whole School Mental Health Approach Workshop

Essential Mental Health Skills for Schools

Leading Mental Health from the Middle E-Module

Development Programme for School Mental Health Lead

Level 2 Mental Health Skills for Learning Practitioners Programme (Accredited by OCN London)

Level 3 - Essential Mental Health Skills (accredited by OCN London)

Half Day Workshops*

MA Leadership of School Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health ITT Development Programme

Leading Mental Health from the Middle

Pursuit Wellbeing

TRANSFORM your wellbeing 
The 5-step Wellbeing TRAINING COURSE for teachers and SCHOOL leaders
Practical, research-driven online training to help you understand and proactively manage your mental, emotional, and physical health.
This 5-step toolkit is based on scientific research and was created by Maria Brosnan, a wellbeing expert with over 30 years’ experience.

The training programme comprises 35 bite-sized lessons, delivered over a period of 30 days, all geared towards measurably improving your mental, emotional and physical health.

It’s developed specifically for teachers, supports better relationships with colleagues and helps you cope better with uncertainty and change.