Digital therapeutics for better youth mental health
Clinically approved . Evidence-based . Highly engaging . Cost effective.
We offer two interventions (therapeutic games) for pupils:
Champions of the Shengha - a heart-rate driven biofeedback mobile game that helps young people self regulate and self manage their mental health through diaphragmatic breathing
Age: 9-18 years
Lumi Nova - a mobile game that facilitates graded exposures, the active ingredient of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), to help children experiencing difficulties with anxiety
Age: 7-12 years
An individual and small group project supporting young people to physically and metaphorically ‘find their voice’.
‘Finding My Voice’-what does that mean?Physically-During the course young people learn to become more confident in speaking whether this is publicly, to their friends or in sharing their feelings more clearly.
Metaphorically-Finding my voice also means young people sharing and discovering what their individual talents and interests are and how they can develop these during their school life and into their ambitions for the future.
What the course involves…
Every project is unique to the young person’s needs. Normally it will begin with a ‘getting to know you’ session and as the course develops it becomes a personalised project. Each project has a real-life purpose. This may be an individual or group venture creating something, performing or going to meet someone inspiring…the options are endless!
What happens when the course finishes?
When the course finishes the young people graduate and become ‘Finding my Voice’ mentors in school, supporting other children on the project both individually and in groups. They also have opportunities to attend special events termly.
Inspiring your pupils and staff to create a better, kinder world!
Your pupils will learn how to re-examine their choices, consciously choosing kindness in their interactions with fellow pupils as well as staff to build positive, long-lasting relationships. Together, we can make education a kinder place for all!
In a world of increasing intolerance – share a little kindness and give a lot of love.
Mental health is so important, especially during these unsettling times. ❤️
We have been successfully running children’s mindfulness classes and school training/well-being days for over 3 years; our CEO is also a qualified primary school teacher, freelance author and mindfulness teacher. ?
To support the mental heath of children and teachers, we have designed and written over 50 mindfulness sessions, along with lesson plans. The sessions cover such topics as anxiety, dealing with emotions, anger and more are added regularly . There is also a section on staff CPD.
Sessions last from 2- 20 minutes, so you can then choose when to incorporate them into your day. There is something for all age children in clear sections.
Let’s look after our minds and each other.
Simple Fast Recovery Guidance and MH Training for Students and Staff at Educational Organisations
90% of all conditions within mental health will not respond
to psychological or medical interventions
Since 1996 - Unmatched Curative Outcomes. NHS Trials - 100% recovery efficacy
Super Me is a brand new and exciting in-school Professional Learning opportunity by Love PE
It is a carefully designed by our lead education consultant as an ‘Active Well-being’ programme which has engaged with over 10,000 pupils so far and continues to receive positive feedback from schools and trusts nationally.
It has been updated to ensure that it has strong cross curricular links with the new PSHE statutory covering key aspects such as : mental, physical health education, being safe and responsible, understanding emotions, feelings and promoting positive and nurturing relationships.
Sessions are active and fully adhere to school safety procedures.
Helping children to find the superhero power inside themselves to have the confidence to tackle any situation and to understand their own behaviours a bit more.
Each session is ideal for a whole class setting or for small intervention groups.
These sessions focus on children and teachers understanding the importance of emotions and living in the present. The session is a mixture of fun practical activities, core strength and stretching with relaxation at the end.
You are talented, valuable and worth investing in. Explore the site and the various ways in which you can empower yourself and live more of the life that you wish to live.
Empower Yourself
Careers & Income Diversification
Empower Your Students
Values and Visions is for every educator of 8- to 16-year-olds who has to deliver the curriculum, but wants to do it in their own way – a way that gives young people a holistic education which nourishes the mind, body and spirit and allows their innate qualities to flourish.
Our Mission
Values and Visions provides teachers with the tools to develop young people’s inner strength, confidence and sense of hope; to enable them to discover meaning and purpose and to empower them to be part of creating a sustainable future in a chaotic, volatile world.
Values and Visions is a process that encourages the development of the whole person across the whole curriculum – socially, creatively, physically, spiritually, morally, and culturally. It provides a dynamic learning cycle that uses reason, reflection, and analysis alongside imagination, play, stillness, and mindfulness.
Starting with the everyday problems and challenges, Values and Visions provides experiences where young people realise for themselves what is important to them in life.
Tried and Tested
Twenty-five years of experience show that, if you do indeed follow the Values and Visions process, the results will be outstanding. The ordinary really can become extraordinary.
A preventative collection of workshops, staff training and support for children, teachers and parents in wellbeing…ensuring we look after ourselves in order to live our best life.