#MonthOfMindfulness Challenge
Developing Mindfulness One Day At a Time
A Guest Post by @Ed_Tmprince
The key to mindfulness is acceptance. Letting go of things we can’t control and not whining, whinging, moaning, complaining or dwelling on upsets in our lives. Choosing not to waste energy getting stressed and upset with the reality of life. Not allowing those things to take up the mental space and, not getting rid of the thoughts, but allowing the thoughts not to control you.
We need to remember that mindfulness is a way of life and not a one time, fix all activity. Thus, the development of mindfulness takes time. By taking a few moments to complete easy mindful tasks each day, you are supporting your own mindful practice and help yourself to reduce stress and anxiety.
Join me during June for a #MonthOfMindfulness. Each day in June, I will have a new blog entry with an easy mindful task to complete for the day. Most will only take a few minutes.
Each day you can share your experiences with the task through comments on the blog or via Twitter using #MonthOfMindfulness .
Why don’t you start today by pledging to taking up the challenge by commenting on my blog or tweeting your commitment with #MonthOfMindfulness .
If you want to share with me directly on Twitter, you can find me @Ed_Tmprince .
It is all for a good cause… YOUR HEALTH and WELL-BEING!
About @Ed_Tmprince
“I am a Principal of a primary academy with 25 years of education experience, I am also a NLE (National Leader of Education).I have taught in the UK and USA and believe that learning is a life-long adventure. ”
This post was originally published at https://educationsvoice.wordpress.com/2016/05/16/monthofmindfulness-challenge-developing-mindfulness-one-day-at-a-time/ and is reposted here by kind permission of the author.