Putting Yourself First

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A guest post by @felizz7.

My 10 top tips for wellbeing

1) Number 1 is YOU. You are the most important person in that classroom. You inspire, motivate, engage, support. Yet, you often give so much of yourself to others, you forget to look after no 1. Put yourself first.

2) #notice Sometimes when the marking piles up and parent review evenings sap your energy, it is hard to see the positives in your day. Try starting a success diary. Dedicate a notebook for it, note the date and something you have been successful in or something positive that has happened. Great to look back on later too!

3) #learn Remember that feeling of achievement when you learned something new at school? Keep that love of learning going and understand your classes better by putting yourself in the learner’s shoes. Why not try learning a new language on Duolingo, try a salsa class or take a guitar lesson?

4) #connect Plan in some time to meet up with friends for dinner or rant over a coffee. Face to face conversations can change your perspective on things and provide a welcome time out.

5) #volunteer Share an idea with colleagues, sign up to help at the Year 7 disco or give out some wellbeing bags at school. Helping others can bring you that fuzzy feeling inside and your kindness will be remembered.

6) #exercise Exercise is proven to lift your mood and help to relieve stress. Yet it can be so hard to start! Last summer I tried a free, local Park Run and the enthusiasm of the runners motivated me to run a 10k just 3 months later. Start small and build up – even a short brisk walk after a manic day can clear your head and help you face that planning.

7) Take care of your voice. Having experienced voice difficulties early in my teaching career, I know how truly essential this is. Sip water often, project your voice but do not shout, breathe from your  stomach, minimise TTT (teacher talking time) and avoid both caffeine and dairy.

8) Prioritise. Be ruthless. Then do not allow yourself to worry about the things at the bottom of the list. They were not important anyway!

9) The ‘STOP’ button. I was once told by a Senior Leader that he had a ‘STOP’ button for when everything felt like it was getting too much. You know when you need support or if you need a break. Listen to the warning signs and remember, the students will survive until your health is fully restored.

10) Think positive or ‘act’ positive. Actively focus on using more positive language. Thank students and colleagues for small things. Suggest solutions rather than simply state problems. Focus on what to do rather than what not to do. You will soon feel more positive.

Good luck!


This post was originally published on staffrm.io and is republished here by kind permission of the author.