Current Wellbeing Research

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certainty-229115_1920Current school staff wellbeing research projects are listed here, newest on top. Please let us know of any we have missed!


Participant information and link external primary teachers work and wellbeing



A study about primary school teachers, work and wellbeing University of Nottingham 2017

Please click here for Participant information and a link to current research into  primary teachers work and wellbeing

Teacher workload and professional development in England’s secondary schools: insights from TALIS – October 2016

The report examines teachers’ working hours, pay, and experience in secondary schools using the OECD’s latest Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). This provides a new and detailed comparison of the opinions, practices, and professional development of teachers in England with those of 35 other jurisdictions surveyed between 2012 and 2014.

It is the first study dedicated to using this rich, international dataset to specifically explore teacher workload issues in England – providing new insights into the scale of the challenge of delivering adequate professional development and retention of teachers in a secondary school climate which demands higher working hours than those elsewhere. 

Teacher Wellbeing Research City University London – May 2016

Researchers at City University London are recruiting teachers to participate in a new research project. The project has been designed to assess teachers’ work demands and well-being on a weekly basis including working weeks and a half term break.

The project has been funded by a grant from the British Academy and is being led by Dr. Paul Flaxman and Ross McIntosh, members of the organisational psychology research team at City University London, while Shannon Horan is managing the participants in the USA.

Ruth Hare at Reach Psychology is undertaking research into teacher wellbeing for her EdD.  – April 2016

Mental health ‘first aid’ for teachers focus of new study – Bristol University  – April 2016

Researchers from the University of Bristol have begun a trial to find out how well a training and support package for teachers works in recognising and combatting mental health problems.